Code of cooperation

Dear partners!

We work in the conditions of developed competition, rapidly changing market, and also within a complex legal system, where we cannot ignore the growing role of the state in industry regulation. We are aware of responsibility to the state, society, founders and partners and that is why we are committed to the strict observance of legislative and ethical standards in our work.


Our Company has developed and adopted the «Code of Cooperation with Suppliers». This document is aimed to establish business standards, the observance of which we expect from both our partners and our employees.


We expect that the principles and rules set forth in the «Code of Cooperation with Suppliers» will be observed by all partners with whom goods supply agreements and goods and services were concluded, as well as by our partners in the field of marketing services.

We expect that our employees and partners will apply the provisions of this Code in their work, and will also report violations of the Code using the following communication channels:
Anti-corruption hotline
Security manager’s email:

«Code of Cooperation with Suppliers» is available for review on the website of our company, as well as on request from the Purchasing Office manager. In order to maintain the relevance of the Code it can be subjected to changes, which we will report by additional letters, as well as by updating the Code on the site.